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RCT Mihajlo Pupin and Cirkuliranje Invites You to Pupin’s Challenge

By 14.11.2021February 21st, 2022Pupin's Challenge

A competition is planned for December, organized by the Regional Center for Talents – Mihajlo Pupin and the Savez udruženja CIRKULIRANJE, entitled:


competition in Information and Communication Technologies

The motto of this competition is:

-Whatever you do and learn – connect / connect with the interest of the public good, and for the general benefit of society-

Continuous cooperation and work on improving the educational ecosystem of the region have set a good precondition for the successful implementation of the project: Pupin’s Challenge, with this year’s participants – high school students.

The goals are the improvement of the educational information ecosystem and the cultural and economic development of the region.

All the necessary information can be found at:

The competition is to be held on December 4th and 5th, in Pancevo in the premises of the RCT Center in Pancevo.

As part of Pupin’s Challenge, the following will be held on Friday, December 3:

Panel discussion – Tailor-made education for young people

Topics we will talk about are: Have we done enough to promote young people and improve the knowledge base? How to create good practice in youth education?

The planned participants are RCT “Mihajlo Pupin”, Cirkuliranje, recognized educators and professionals from the region.

We will also talk about the availability of funds and directions of development in the region, the form of competition for the purpose of education and later professional achievement of young people.

The panel discussion will be organized so that there will be prior communication between the participants on the given topics, because some will be present, some online and some through a previous video address.

The plan is to make the competition more extensive in the next period, and the panel discussion will also take the form of lectures, workshops, round tables and conferences.

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