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Pupin's Challenge for season 2023/2024 is issuing

Certificate of Completion/Participation

Information about the certificate of completion/participation

In the cycle/season of 2023/2024 of Pupin’s Challenge, the following methodologies were covered:

  • Design and implementation of solutions based on Arduino platforms
  • Graphical representation of solutions in Processing environment
  • Utilization of ultrasonic sensors and servo motors

Participation was team-based, with teams consisting of two competitors each in the competition finals. Results are for the 2023/2024 season


  • One cycle of Pupin’s Challenge comprises multiple workshops and a final knowledge assessment in a competitive environment in the form of a hackathon.
  • The area in which activities are realized is applied physics and electronics, and their digitalization using modern programming languages such as JAVA and C++, tools, platforms, and software (ChatGPT AI, GitHub, TinkerCad), as well as the use of appropriate electronic components. Each task represents a challenge leading to a practical and usable solution in the end.
  • The workshops preceding the finals are aimed at better preparing competitors to achieve one of the goals of the final competition and to arrive at their own final version of the project in accordance with the given guidelines in the form of tasks/challenges.

Additional notes:

  • Participation in the final competition is a prerequisite for issuing certificates.
  • The participation confirmation is issued for attendance and work in the majority of workshops, as well as participation in the final.
  • Certificates are issued for exceptional placement in the competition, for participants who, in addition to basic challenges/tasks, have successfully completed tasks from the final phase of the competition.
  • It is possible to compete independently in the final if all possibilities are exhausted.

This digital certificate is issued on the date of completion of competition

for social initiative and competition
Pupin’s Challenge
Certificate is issued by
Civil society union Cirkuliranje – Coordinator
